Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hello Stratosphere!

Amazing!  I'm 94 years old - just retired a few months ago from traveling all over Western Europe, doing workshops.  And been feeling........depressed? anxious? bored? ........on the way to decrepit disappearance.  Realized that although the workshops were supposedly for the sake of clients, actually I had become dependent on them to give meaning to my life, to maintain challenge and novelty.  And now?  Stare at four walls, with no plans for the future?  Yes, surely at 94 you're not supposed to think of the future, says my Parent - but I do - I need to - i WANT to!  Not just death.

Oh, I realise I just used the term "Parent" - and capitalized it.  That's TA vocabulary.  Or - let me say, from vocabulary used by Transactional Analysts.  What's that?  - ok - I'll have the pleasure of lecturing you a little, dear Stratosphere.   For this is what I did in my workshops.  Interspserse theory - TA theory, preferably - with content, with responses to clients or comments due to my reactions.

Yes, so TA was developed by Eric Berne (l9l9-l970) in California, originally for the sake of improving psychotherapy, but pretty soon it became a means of improving and/or clarifying communication in all fields - for instance in the business world, for counseling, etc.......and, as a former psychoanaylst, I took to it like a duck to water. I'll tell you more about it - however just now my wonnderful son-in-law, Wayne, is looking over my shoulder, wondering when I'll stop.  You'll be hearing more about Wayne also, along with much else, for he is the one who just set this up for me - and listening or reading my rambles was not part of our "contract".  So, Fanita (that's my real name) time to stop for now!  and you'll hear more from me soon for this
is very exciting......



  1. Fanita,

    You rock!

    A blog is a great way to continue to share your wisdom, experience, and attitude!


  2. Work on your Profile; give people a chance to "get" you.


  3. I am a fan of yours fanita, reading all the contents in this blog. Looking forward to hear from you......
    love hasee
