Tuesday, March 8, 2011

About me.......

In response to recent comment from Jonathan, here is a temporary introduction about me:-
As I mentioned, I'm 94, I live in an apartment at a very fancy retirement center in San Mateo which takes care of my daily elementary needs (like dinner service, help with getting groceries, mail, errands, housecleaning, etc) and has a fine swimming pool where I go every day.  The people living here are very nice, but I have not socialized much because until now I was primarily involved in traveling to Europe on a regular basis to conduct workshops (about which I will be telling you much more).Most women around me
are of my generation and have  not been as intensely involved with their careers (their work) as I was, and are happy to enjoy their life of leisure, by contrast to myself  who, until now  actually appreciated living here precisely because it gave me the freeedom to travel regularly for the workshops I conducted in Europe/.
I had started doing these in l972 when I lived in Philadelphia and had my psychotherapy and training Institute for Transactional Analysis and Gestalt.t Of course it was easier traveling toEurope from Philadelphia than from San Francisco, where I moved in l991 to live closer to my daughter, yet I was able to continue traveling on a reduced basis until this year when my body started giving out (various arthritic pains),causing my present dilemmas.

And before doing workshops, and what kind of workshops?  That's what I'll be writing about as I proceed, also about how I got to become a Transactional analyst in l964 after having been a psychoanalyst.  Also a little about Transactional Analysis itself.  (About which, if interested, you might want to check the Website of the United States Transactional Analysis Association (USATAA.org) and, under Articles you'll find two of mine, (Fanita English)  the first summarizing some of the "TA" I use  and the other some theory I added.)

And before l964?  A long story which I also hope to get to, including early childhood in Romania, life in Istanbul at a British school, life in France including studies at the Sorbonne and the French psychoanalytic Institute, flight from Europe after the German "Blitz" attack on France in l940, arrival in New York , graduate schooling, marriage, two children, married life in Chicago  and Philadelphia  until divorce, child therapy practice, running an Institute for emotionally disturbed children, psychoanalytic training , University of Chicago teaching, involvement with Transactional Analysis, (1964) founding my Institute,(l970) various intense relationships, workshops exclusively in Europe since l981 and full circle now to  feeling propelled to use this blog to keep myself alive as a  "former shrink".

Ok Jonathan and others who asked? 
Now I' ll proceed from "Now" each time and see what retrospective items will come up...........

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